World Conference on Personality in 2016

Keynote speakers

Robert Hogan: Rethinking Personality Psychology

Robert Plomin: Genetics of Intelligence

William Revelle: Personality at three levels of analysis

Greg Meyer: What Rohrschach performance can add to assessing and understanding personality

Brent Roberts: Young adulthood is the crucible of personality development

Lew Goldberg: Lew-Goldberg-you-can-ask-him-any-question-show

Conference 2016 abstract book cover

Invited symposia

  • Personality structure (convener: Boris Mlacic)
  • The future of personality psychology (convener: David Funder)
  • Personality development (conveners: Barbara De Clercq & Filip De Fruyt)
  • Maladaptive variants of the FFM: childhood and adulthood (convener: Tom Widiger)
  • Personality and health (convener: Suzanne Segerstrom)
  • Personality and situations (convener: John Rauthmann)
  • Response styles in personality research (conveners: Beatrice Rammstedt & Daniel Danner)
  • Workshop on personality research methods on the internet (organizer: Michael Bosnjak)
  • The end (of self-reports) is nigh: new methods in personality science (convener: Sam Gosling)
  • Social aspects of personality (convener: Mitja Back)
  • Behavioral genetics of personality differences and development (convener: Christian Kandler)
  • Personality and culture: Integrating perspectives (convener: Fons van de Vijver)
  • Personality change and development (convener: Dan Mroczek)
  • New directions in personality neuroscience (convener: Colin DeYoung)